Now Offering Online Booking
Book Your Next Session Without Having to Call Us
New Online Booking Makes Scheduling Your Session QUICK and EASY

Our New Location Is Open
Be Sure To Take Note of Our New Studio Location at 49 Kensington Parkway Abingdon, MD 21009
We are Located in Box Hill North In The Office Park Behind Box Hill Pizzaria

We Offer State of the Art Digital Multitrack Recording Using SSL and Hybrid Digital and Vintage Universal Audio Analog Gear to Get the Very Best From Your Studio Performance.
We Have Unlimited Tracks and 64 Inputs Available on our SSL Origin Mixing Console and ALL of the Plugins and Outboard Gear to Make Your Final Mix Radio and Streaming Ready
We Use the Latest Mastering Tools From SSL and Neve as well as Plugins From Slate Digital, Abbey Roads, Waves, UAD and Izotope, to Assure That Your Final Product Sounds as Good as the Studio Mix
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Forest Hill Studio was founded to give local and national musicians and other music enthusiasts access to a full featured professional studio without the cost and time constraints of hiring into a big commercial studio and exposing yourself to the "attitude" and time limitations that go along with doing so. We believe that cost barriers should not exist as it often means denying creative talents access to make their dreams of recording their music a reality. Additionally, a comfortable and creative environment is central to what we do here.
With this in mind, we endeavor to provide reasonably priced studio time to artists who are respectful and whose music we enjoy. We accommodate complete project sessions as well as by the hour booking. The Studio is a safe and encouraging environment located in Box Hill/Abingdon Maryland which provides a relaxed atmosphere to create, but is also within easy reach of the city and any needed amenities..
If you are under 18 you must have your parent or guardian escort you and be present during all sessions.
Hope To See And Hear You Soon!

David Lookingbill

David is a very talented Contemporary Christian Rocker and Balladeer. His many gifts include singing and playing guitar along with being an exceptional songwriter and lyricist. David was the first artist to record in The Studio and his many friends in the music community are often seen here at The Studio as well.
Our studio is open 7 days a week:
Monday - Friday 10am - 10pm
Saturday - 10am - 10pm
Sunday - 12pm - 10pm
Special Schedules and Hours Accomodated on Request